Double Take series tv complet

Double Take en streaming vf

Noa is a teenaged- singer, actress and model who navigates the equally complicated worlds of high school and celebrity. With an ex-best friend thinking fame has changed her, a manager who controls her every career move, and anonymous internet blogger Kitty Popper who writes scathing posts about her- Noa is forced to deal with confrontations on all fronts. But what no one knows is that Noa is actually Kitty Popper - she criticizes herself under a pseudonym to pressure her manager to take her career in the direction that she wants it to go. But when an actual stalker threatens Noa – she and her friends are forced into action..

Saison: 5: Saison.

Quality: HD

Genres: [Kids] [Drama

tags: כפולה  , high school , double life , secret identity , celebrity , teenage girl 

server:  openload  youwatch 

Country: FR

last air Date: 2020-10-04

IMDB: 0/10

PAR: [Roee Idan] [Raz Juvan] [Elad Chen

Language: US  DE   IT   ES   IE   CH   FR   NL

Subtitles: AU   PT  CZ  AE  JP  KR  IN  PE  VT