Gophers! series tv complet

Gophers! en streaming vf

Gophers! was a Channel 4 children's programme about a family of American gophers who move into a new neighbourhood, called Sycamore Heights, living next door to a family of uptight but well-intentioned rabbits, The Burrows. There were many recurring jokes within this short lived show such as Arthur Burrows' vegetables planning a rebellion to escape his garden, a mad scientist ferret called Dr Wince, whose ambition was to conquer the world by obtaining a crystal buried in the Gophers' garden with the help of his reptilian servant Sly, and an alien in love with a zucchini determined to get home. Also there were Stereotypical "Mexican" cockroaches who lived in the Gophers' house or Trailer Park Mobile Home always trying to steal their food..

Saison: 0: Saison.

Quality: HD

Genres: [Kids

tags: Gophers! 

server:  openload  youwatch 

Country: FR

last air Date:

IMDB: 0/10


Language: US  DE   IT   ES   IE   CH   FR   NL

Subtitles: AU   PT  CZ  AE  JP  KR  IN  PE  VT
