The Presidents series tv complet

The Presidents en streaming vf

The show documents each of the Presidents in the union, starting with George Washington, following a chronological order up until George W. Bush. Each President's segment begins with the narrator giving a brief dossier about each one, from their political affiliation, family, and notable traits. The show then highlights the history behind each presidency, linking each one to the following..

Saison: 1: Saison.

Quality: HD

Genres: [Documentary] [War & Politics] [News

tags: The Presidents  , washington dc, usa , president , election , commander in chief 

server:  openload  youwatch 

Country: FR

last air Date: 2005-03-15

IMDB: 7/10

PAR: [Craig Haffner

Language: US  DE   IT   ES   IE   CH   FR   NL

Subtitles: AU   PT  CZ  AE  JP  KR  IN  PE  VT