Sister Ma series tv complet

Sister Ma en streaming vf

A serialized television series, aired in 1979, based on Hasegawa Machiko's "Sazae-san Uchiakebanashi" (Sazae-san Confessions), which depicts the true vibrant energy and strength of the common people, through their laughter and tears, from the pre-war to the post-war period in Japan..

Saison: 1: Saison.

Quality: HD

Genres: [Family] [Drama

tags: マー姉ちゃん  , asadora 

server:  openload  youwatch 

Country: FR

last air Date: 1979-09-29

IMDB: 0/10


Language: US  DE   IT   ES   IE   CH   FR   NL

Subtitles: AU   PT  CZ  AE  JP  KR  IN  PE  VT